Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Useful Links and Information

Here are a few video guides if you'd like to learn more about how to play HoN:

Video Guide: Pre-Laning
Text Guide - How to ward and what warding does
Premium HoN Hero Guides
Text Guide: How to Juke
Prodex - HoN Hero Index  (This is [s2]Nigma's pet project atm, its a hero role/mini guide reference but its not complete) index

Something I notice alot is people who do silly things like tower diving and dying trying to get the last hit on a kill... that they never get.  That in mind heres a very basic guide to what your mind set should be in HoN:

Priority List of Actions -

1) Do not die
2) Get your carry hero farm (this may mean buying wards to protect the team with sight and awareness)
3) Use your abilities effectively
4) Don't KS, especially the carry hero

This is a link for a trial account, trial accounts can't play with real ones sadly =/.

This is a link if youre interested in purchasing the game:

(this isn't entirely selfless, I get a referral bonus >.> So if you are gonna buy it please use the link <.<)

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