Saturday, March 12, 2011

Valkyrie Hero Spotlight and 2.17 Patchnotes

So first up, I wanted to highlight the valkyrie hero spotlight, because while many people enjoy playing her... not many are good with her.  This video will help improve your play, and show you the role that valkyrie should be taking most games.

That said, the item build they used could still work but isn't going to be as effective because of the 2.17 patchnotes.  Null-fire no longer propagates to illusions now.  So please keep that in mind for your upcoming Valkyrie games.  Thunderclaw and Frost wolf skull is also a popular build that gets you a slow and tons of damage. 

Now onto the patch notes.  I don't want to post all of them just the ones that are going to have a bigger impact:

 - The following items' Attack effects will no longer propagate to illusions
* Icebrand
* Frostburn
* Shieldbreaker
* Frostwolf's Skull
* Nullfire Blade
 Geometer's Bane
- Recipe cost reduced from 1200 to 800

So as I was saying about the Valkyrie spotlight, illusions will no longer take the effects of attack modifiers.  To compensate for this, geometers bane has been lowered in price.  Please be aware the Frostburn build of Flint Beastwood and similar carries is going to be less effective now.  Not totally worthless mind you, just not as good.  I was gonna link Sand Wraith as the obvious nerf target here... but I don't think its limited to just him.

- Deja Vu
* Unitwalking & shadow slow moved to regular form
* Boosted Deja Vu will now cause Aluna to slow any units she runs through (in addition to shadow also slowing)
- Emerald Red
* Manacost lowered from 150 to 75/100/125
* Now uses only 1 charge on use instead of all charges
* Added 0.5 sec cd to skill

Just to make this clear, I'm not sure this is a huge buff to Aluna.  That said, it does give the player/pilot more control and that's almost always a good thing =D.  The Deja Vu buff is definately nice for chase down, and while I personally feel there is only one core item build for her still, maybe similar tweaks will help with that problem.

- Guttling Hook will no longer grab people on the way back

 This is probably step one of the devourer nerfs.  That said, this saddens me, as devourer is one of my favorite heroes, and I thought this was a meaningful difference between him and other projectile heroes like Valk.

Besides this, there are a bunch of smaller tweaks and alot of server code optimizations (good for us, less lag maybe?)  Also, UNICORN RAMPAGE >.> He's not very colorful =(.  Oh well, time to go drag someone behind a tower to beat out my frustration.


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