Saturday, June 4, 2011

[Trouble Hero] Tremble

There has been a lot of discussion both on the official forums, on, and just about everywhere else about Tremble.  Tremble is an annoying hero to play against, especially as a new player.  The developers have said that they are not going to be directly nerfing him anytime soon, but he will receive a rework eventually (TM).

You'll look like this before he gets a rework

Tremble is an insectoid hero that uses stealth and a crippling poison to bring his enemies to task.  With the fact that both he and his pet have a non-attack modifying slow, getting away from tremble can be painful at best or impossible at worse.  How you're going to deal with this is going to depend on whether you have a lane mate or not.

Picking Phase:  Tremble is annoying but not necessarily game breaking.  If you're afraid your team isn't going to be willing to pony up to buy stealth sight wards; and/or play conservatively, he could be worthy of a ban.  However, if you're confident that you'll get stealth sight wards, and you know your team mates can play carefully, he really isn't worth your ban.  If he's smart, he is going to build a Shrunken Head, so grab some heroes with ult level stun.

Early Game:
  • Solo:  You're going to need stealth sight wards.  Ask your support if they can afford to get you one at the beginning. If he can't, you're going to have to do it yourself. Dont wanna?  Tough.  You're also going to need another one before the current one expires,  ask your supports nicely if they'll buy one for you.  If they won't, too bad, so sad; buy them yourself.  Better to buy than to die.  With sight, try and harass tremble as best you can and kill his mounds for the bonus gold.  Just be aware that its almost impossible to get away from tremble once he hits you.
  • With a Partner:  You may or may not need stealth sight wards depending on what skills tremble gets.  Ask your support if they can afford to get you one at the beginning. If he can't, you're going to have to.  With this sight, try to harass tremble as best you can or tell your babysit to.  If he has mounds try and kill them for the extra gold/denying him stealth.  Just be aware that its almost impossible to get away from tremble once he hits you, so unless your ally has a stun or a very strong slow play conservatively.  Actually, even if he has a stun or slow play conservatively.
Don't feed Tremble or you might have this happen!

Mid Game:  Remember that without stealth sight and a stunner, tremble is extremely hard to gank since he can go invisible or teleport away at anytime with his mounds.  Going with Dust of Revelation and a stunner into the enemy woods to gank tremble is an extremely good idea since he does have a decent end game carry potential and without stealth or his teleport he has no easy way to evade you.  Use offensive wards and make sure to axe down any of his mounds you see to minimize his map presence.

Late Game:  As long as you haven't fed tremble in the early or mid game, you should not have too much trouble with him here as all he provides is his slow.  If he is fed, hopefully you've picked up some ult level stun to deal with him while magic immune.  Also, check his items and have your carry build to counter him.  For example, if he has the evasion granting Wingbow, your carry could get a Savage mace to completely negate that and grant very impressive damage.

As you can see above, tremble, like most heroes with carry potential, is really only a problem once you've allowed him to snowball due to his gold amount.  Remember to pick and ban wisely, buy stealth sight wards and gank him repetitively and you will not have a problem dealing with tremble.

Next post I'm going to try and put together a last hitting guide since the one I thought was informative has been taken down.  Feel free to ask any questions or drop my a comment, especially about tremble, as I know he can be very frustrating.

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