Tuesday, February 15, 2011

[Hero Spotlight] Myrmidon

The Heroes of Newerth (HoN) community is comprised of two crowds: people who "know what they're doing," and people who are still learning.  I will write articles for both groups, however since I'm not a professional player, most of my articles will be observation based opinions.

This particular article is aimed at people who are trying to learn how to play HoN, and who are picking up the game with very little to no experience.  A lot of my friends who are just starting the game ask me, "Paul, whats a good hero I should start the game with?"  I tell them that unless you're always playing All Pick (AP) and you're very fast, you may not always get the hero you want.  I would use the following criteria when picking a hero as a new individual.

First.... Things you don't want -
Does this hero have a vector targeted skill?  Does this hero have some other ability that requires a lot of practice to master?  Is this a carry hero, will I be expected to carry the game? (Carry Heroes will be explained a little later.)

Things you do want-
Does this hero have a stun? Is this hero ranged?  Does this hero have a way to escape bad situations?

If you answer yes to any of the things you don't want, don't play this hero while you're learning the basics of HoN.  Yes, you may have heard from a friend that Soul Stealer is broken or that Gauntlet is [s2]Maliken favorite hero, but if you don't know how to aim demon hand and aren't yet comfortable carrying then this hero is not for you.  Avoid these heroes, they will not be fun to play, unless you're just trying to mess with your own team >.>.

Team mates griefing each other
(This never ends well)

After looking at that list and thinking about it for a moment, you may be saying... but there aren't that many heroes that fit all of the good stuff!  And that's right. This is because heroes with all of those characteristics tend to be overpowered and therefore, don't exist.  So as a rule of thumb, getting 2 of the 3 is a good bet, with ranged being a someone higher priority due to the fact that most new people aren't good at avoiding harassment yet.

But, there is a hero that does fit all of this,

 That's right, its Myrmidon.  Not only does he have 1 stun, he might have 2 depending on how dumb the enemy team is!  He also packs in a great travel/escape tool and even brings one scary ass ultimate to the party!

Myrmidon is a fairly straightforward hero, and while I won't be writing a full blown guide here you can find a video spotlight here and a guide here.  Here's some good basics to keep in mind though:

His Weed Field has a 1 second delay before it takes effect, so either use magic carp at the same time to force a stun or aim appropriately.

Magic Carp can be used either with Weed Field or as a nuke/utility ability.  Remember that since it gives sight and tracks, it makes running away very difficult to do for most heroes.

Wave Form not only takes you from point A to point B it also lowers magic armor of enemies hit in the way.  This synergies with all of your skills on offense and is a great move defensively.  Just remember that it does follow normal pathing unlike blinks.

Forced Evolution gives you a Magic Attack with a set damage instead of your normal attack in addition to extra HP.  Be aware this makes you into a melee hero for the duration which can put you into bad circumstances if you're not careful!

Core items:

Steam Boots


Shrunken Head (BKB)

These 2 items will be what you need to jump successfully into melee in team engagements.  You can of course join in small engagements (read 1 or 2 people) with your ultimate.   However, before you finish BKB you'll want to avoid engaging in large team engagements because you will be easily CC'd and focused down.  A tip for steam boots is to always keep them on strength, because surviving is a big deal!

I hope this adventure into good starter heroes helps. Watch for my next higher level post about balance and how to deal with certain "problem" heroes.  Also, I'm going to put up a helpful links post for new players.  Please feel free to comment and tell me how you feel or what you'd be interested in seeing.

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